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922 Waltham St #202 Lexington, MA 02421

922 Waltham St #202 Lexington, MA 02421

Laser Vs. Traditional Gum Surgery: Which One is Better?

Dentist brushing a model of the teeth next to smiling woman in dental chair

Laser gum surgery is a newer type of procedure that is becoming increasingly popular. It is often advertised as being less painful and more effective than traditional gum surgery, but is this really the case? Let’s take a closer look at laser gum surgery and compare it to traditional gum surgery to see if it truly is the better option.

When Do You Need Gum Surgery?

Gum surgery may be recommended if you have periodontitis, which is a serious form of gum disease. Periodontitis occurs when plaque and tartar are not removed from your teeth and gums, causing your gums to become inflamed and to pull away from your teeth. This can lead to bone loss and, eventually, tooth loss.

Gum surgery is also sometimes recommended if you have a gum recession. Gum recession occurs when your gums pull away from your teeth, causing your teeth to look longer than they actually are. This can also lead to bone loss and eventually tooth loss. Gum surgery can help to prevent further recession and can sometimes help to improve the appearance of your gums.

What Is Laser Gum Surgery?

Laser gum surgery is a type of surgery that uses a laser to remove diseased tissue from your gums. The laser is used to remove the top layer of your gums, which is where the disease is most likely to occur. This can help to improve the health of your gums and can also help to improve the appearance of your gums.

What Is Traditional Gum Surgery?

Traditional gum surgery is a type of surgery that involves making an incision in your gums and then removing the diseased tissue. This can be a more invasive type of surgery and can be more painful than laser gum surgery.

What are the Benefits of Laser Gum Surgery Over Traditional Gum Surgery?

Here are the benefits of laser gum surgery over traditional gum surgery:

Less Pain

Laser surgery is less painful than traditional gum surgery. There is no cutting or stitching involved, so that you can expect less pain and discomfort.

Less Bleeding

Laser surgery results in less bleeding than traditional gum surgery. This is because the laser cauterizes (seals) the blood vessels as it moves through the tissue. This means there is less bleeding and fewer complications.

Quicker Recovery Time

Laser surgery has a quicker recovery time than traditional gum surgery. This is because there is less tissue damage and fewer complications. You can expect to return to your normal activities within a few days.

Reduced Risk of Infection

Laser surgery has a reduced risk of infection because the laser sterilizes the area as it moves through the tissue. This means there is less chance of infection and fewer complications.

Improved Aesthetics

Laser surgery can improve the aesthetics of your smile. This is because the laser can remove the damaged tissue and leave behind healthy tissue. This can improve the appearance of your smile.


Laser gum surgery is a newer and more advanced form of gum surgery with many benefits over traditional gum surgery. Laser gum surgery is less invasive, has a shorter recovery time, and is more effective in treating gum disease. Although traditional gum surgery is still an option for some people, laser gum surgery is the better choice for most people.

Schedule a session at Lexington Smile Studio today for safe laser gum treatments! We use exceptional care standards through our full range of dental services: cosmetic, prosthodontics, implants, periodontics, and laser!


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