922 Waltham St #202 Lexington, MA 02421

922 Waltham St #202 Lexington, MA 02421

922 Waltham St #202 Lexington, MA 02421

November 2021


Tongue-tie is a medical condition inherited by some people who experience reduced tongue mobility as a result. If you look at yourself in the mirror and lift your tongue, you should see a fibrous tissue band (lingual frenulum) that connects the floor of your mouth to the bottom of your tongue.

Most people have a thin lingual frenulum found toward the bottom middle of the tongue. When it is positioned this way, it allows for a maximum range of tongue motion. For those with tongue-tie, however, their lingual frenulum may be thick, short or tight. The tip of their tongue may be connected to the floor of their mouth. This greatly restricting the movement of their tongue. 

For some people, having tongue-tie doesn’t lead to very many problems. They may find that they can go untreated into adulthood. For others, the condition of tongue-tie leads to difficulty into their adult life.

The prevalence of tongue-tie among infants is estimated to be between three and five percent, as well as for adults who go untreated, as the condition is inherited. 

Tongue-Tie Among Adults

If you have not treated your tongue-tie condition as an adult, you have probably adapted to the condition. You may not even know that you have it, if it is a minor case.

Moreover, doctors may advise parents to delay tongue-tie surgery for infants, as the condition tends to improve with time. However, if the condition is effecting the child’s weight and development, treatment should be considered.

Adults with tongue tie may have difficulty with:

  • Speaking
  • Eating and drinking
  • Breathing
  • Kissing

Also, you may have difficulty sticking your tongue out beyond your lower front teeth, as well as having a tongue appearance that appears heart-shaped or notched when you stick it out. Whereas, others find that they have difficulty lifting their tongue to reach their upper teeth.

How common is tongue-tie? 

As mentioned earlier, the estimated frequency of tongue-tie is between three to five percent. The exact percentage, both among infants and adults, is unknown because many people do not even know that they have it, or only have a very mild case.

Frenectomy Treatment

Although not everyone chooses to have tongue-tie treated, those with severe cases may benefit greatly from a frenectomy treatment. It takes a few minutes to perform in a doctor’s office.

Although the procedure is simple, the parent or caregiver must physically stretch the tissue band that has been lasered or cut, every day for a few weeks after the procedure. Moreover, this prevents it from re-tightening during recovery. Although the stretching procedure is straightforward, babies do not normally like it, which can make it difficult for parents.

Frenectomy Consultation

Contact Lexington Smile Studio to learn more. Our dental office offers CO2 laser frenectomy treatment for infants, children, and adults. New patients are welcome. Call now. We look forward to meeting you!


Tongue-tie (ankloglossia) can be an inherited condition. The condition is one in which the tongue is actually “tied,” or tethered to the mouth floor. Tongue-tie patients can inhibit both speech and eating.

 The degree of impact varies from individual to individual. Some people with tongue-tie may go into adulthood without feeling the need to address the situation. Some adults don’t even realize that they have it.

The importance of the tongue 

We don’t always consider how important the tongue is to our speech and swallowing. When your tongue has a restricted range of motion, activities like these can be impaired. The severity of tongue-tie is not the same for everyone, so it may or may not be detected early in life. It is commonly diagnosed when parents discover that their child has difficulty breastfeeding, or eating and speaking.

 Tongue-tie is three times more prevalent among boys than in girls. It runs frequently in families. Quite a few infants who have difficulty breast-feeding have tongue-tie. When the condition is corrected, they may be able to eliminate this difficulty.

What are the symptoms of tongue-tie?

  • A newborn may have problems sucking from the breast.
  • Significant pain while the mother is nursing.
  • A baby who fusses constantly at the breast.
  • Inadequate weight gain.
  • A heart-shaped or v-shaped notch.
  • Choking or gagging on food.
  • Chronic dribbling.

As an adult, how can I tell if I have tongue-tie?

As mentioned earlier, the severity of tongue-tie symptoms vary from individual to individual. You can try the following to determine if you may have the condition: While standing, arch your back and bring your chin up as high as you possibly can without jaw movement. If you can swallow, it is likely that you do not have tongue-tie. Trouble swallowing? Seek a consultation today.

What treatments are available?

CO2 laser treatment is often recommended for infants, children, teens, and adults. This is the most advanced way to treat tongue-tie. It is the least invasive with no downtime. For this reason, most patients choose laser treatment.

CO2 Laser Frenectomy 

A laser frenectomy procedure is often advised because no incisions are involved. Also, improved outcomes and a shorter recovery is likely. The procedure only takes a few minutes to complete. It does not require any sedation or general anesthesia.

In addition, a laser frenectomy is less painful. Reattachment can occur. However, this procedure decreases that chance with simple exercises. Moreover, these exercises are specific to the patient and their unique needs.

Learn More

Protect your oral health. Learn more about tongue-tie and CO2 laser treatment. Lexington Smile Studio happily accepts new patients. Contact us today. Our office also offers cosmetic dentistry and prosthodontics. This includes dental implants, veneers, and teeth whitening. Inquire today. Your smile deserves it.


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