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922 Waltham St #202 Lexington, MA 02421

922 Waltham St #202 Lexington, MA 02421


Cosmetic Dental Procedures

If you found yourself entering search terms into Google like “cosmetic dental procedures” or “dentist near me,” you probably will eventually come across Lumineers. This is a type of dental veneers that are both thinner and more inexpensive than conventional veneers.

They require little to no tooth structure removal and are quite durable, typically lasting anywhere from 10 to 20 years if cared for properly.

Find out why many patients are choosing Lumineers! Feel free to schedule a consultation to learn more.

Are Lumineers right for me?

Lumineers may make a good treatment choice for you if you need help with:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Old dental work
  • Tooth staining or discoloration
  • Gapped or spaced teeth
  • Fractured, chipped or broken teeth
  • Small or misshapen teeth

Technically, Lumineers are a type of dental veneer. One difference is that they are significantly thinner than conventional porcelain veneers. This means that little to no tooth enamel is removed prior to their placement.

Another critical difference between Lumineers and traditional veneers is that Lumineers are reversible. In other words, they can be removed without much of an effect on your natural teeth.

Because Lumineers are thinner than traditional veneers, they are somewhat translucent, making their appearance much more like that of natural teeth. They can significantly whiten your teeth and give you a beautiful, confident smile. But since they are quite thin, they are not always able to whiten teeth with severe stains that could show through.

Lumineers Procedure

After it is determined that Lumineers make a good treatment choice for you and your treatment goals, you would arrive for your placement appointment. Your dentist will create a mold of your teeth to be sent to a dental lab. There, your Lumineers will be created and sent back to your dentist for placement.

Once your Lumineers are ready, your dentist will place them at a subsequent appointment. They will apply a dental adhesive to your teeth and actually place them over your teeth.

Are Lumineers expensive?

The exact cost will vary, depending upon the individual circumstances of your case, such as teeth size, patient location, and your dentist’s procedure prices.

Schedule Your Lumineers Consultation Today

If you want to dramatically improve the appearance of your teeth and smile, Lumineers should definitely be on your radar. Find out if Lumineers are right for you. Learn more about Lumineers with a consultation today. New patients are welcome.




Tongue-tie is a medical condition inherited by some people who experience reduced tongue mobility as a result. If you look at yourself in the mirror and lift your tongue, you should see a fibrous tissue band (lingual frenulum) that connects the floor of your mouth to the bottom of your tongue.

Most people have a thin lingual frenulum found toward the bottom middle of the tongue. When it is positioned this way, it allows for a maximum range of tongue motion. For those with tongue-tie, however, their lingual frenulum may be thick, short or tight. The tip of their tongue may be connected to the floor of their mouth. This greatly restricting the movement of their tongue. 

For some people, having tongue-tie doesn’t lead to very many problems. They may find that they can go untreated into adulthood. For others, the condition of tongue-tie leads to difficulty into their adult life.

The prevalence of tongue-tie among infants is estimated to be between three and five percent, as well as for adults who go untreated, as the condition is inherited. 

Tongue-Tie Among Adults

If you have not treated your tongue-tie condition as an adult, you have probably adapted to the condition. You may not even know that you have it, if it is a minor case.

Moreover, doctors may advise parents to delay tongue-tie surgery for infants, as the condition tends to improve with time. However, if the condition is effecting the child’s weight and development, treatment should be considered.

Adults with tongue tie may have difficulty with:

  • Speaking
  • Eating and drinking
  • Breathing
  • Kissing

Also, you may have difficulty sticking your tongue out beyond your lower front teeth, as well as having a tongue appearance that appears heart-shaped or notched when you stick it out. Whereas, others find that they have difficulty lifting their tongue to reach their upper teeth.

How common is tongue-tie? 

As mentioned earlier, the estimated frequency of tongue-tie is between three to five percent. The exact percentage, both among infants and adults, is unknown because many people do not even know that they have it, or only have a very mild case.

Frenectomy Treatment

Although not everyone chooses to have tongue-tie treated, those with severe cases may benefit greatly from a frenectomy treatment. It takes a few minutes to perform in a doctor’s office.

Although the procedure is simple, the parent or caregiver must physically stretch the tissue band that has been lasered or cut, every day for a few weeks after the procedure. Moreover, this prevents it from re-tightening during recovery. Although the stretching procedure is straightforward, babies do not normally like it, which can make it difficult for parents.

Frenectomy Consultation

Contact Lexington Smile Studio to learn more. Our dental office offers CO2 laser frenectomy treatment for infants, children, and adults. New patients are welcome. Call now. We look forward to meeting you!


Tongue-tie (ankloglossia) can be an inherited condition. The condition is one in which the tongue is actually “tied,” or tethered to the mouth floor. Tongue-tie patients can inhibit both speech and eating.

 The degree of impact varies from individual to individual. Some people with tongue-tie may go into adulthood without feeling the need to address the situation. Some adults don’t even realize that they have it.

The importance of the tongue 

We don’t always consider how important the tongue is to our speech and swallowing. When your tongue has a restricted range of motion, activities like these can be impaired. The severity of tongue-tie is not the same for everyone, so it may or may not be detected early in life. It is commonly diagnosed when parents discover that their child has difficulty breastfeeding, or eating and speaking.

 Tongue-tie is three times more prevalent among boys than in girls. It runs frequently in families. Quite a few infants who have difficulty breast-feeding have tongue-tie. When the condition is corrected, they may be able to eliminate this difficulty.

What are the symptoms of tongue-tie?

  • A newborn may have problems sucking from the breast.
  • Significant pain while the mother is nursing.
  • A baby who fusses constantly at the breast.
  • Inadequate weight gain.
  • A heart-shaped or v-shaped notch.
  • Choking or gagging on food.
  • Chronic dribbling.

As an adult, how can I tell if I have tongue-tie?

As mentioned earlier, the severity of tongue-tie symptoms vary from individual to individual. You can try the following to determine if you may have the condition: While standing, arch your back and bring your chin up as high as you possibly can without jaw movement. If you can swallow, it is likely that you do not have tongue-tie. Trouble swallowing? Seek a consultation today.

What treatments are available?

CO2 laser treatment is often recommended for infants, children, teens, and adults. This is the most advanced way to treat tongue-tie. It is the least invasive with no downtime. For this reason, most patients choose laser treatment.

CO2 Laser Frenectomy 

A laser frenectomy procedure is often advised because no incisions are involved. Also, improved outcomes and a shorter recovery is likely. The procedure only takes a few minutes to complete. It does not require any sedation or general anesthesia.

In addition, a laser frenectomy is less painful. Reattachment can occur. However, this procedure decreases that chance with simple exercises. Moreover, these exercises are specific to the patient and their unique needs.

Learn More

Protect your oral health. Learn more about tongue-tie and CO2 laser treatment. Lexington Smile Studio happily accepts new patients. Contact us today. Our office also offers cosmetic dentistry and prosthodontics. This includes dental implants, veneers, and teeth whitening. Inquire today. Your smile deserves it.


Oral Health

Oral Health | It can be tough to find reasons to smile when you’re forced to deal with imperfections like missing teeth. Not only are missing teeth frustrating in a cosmetic sense, they can also make it more difficult to eat and speak, even affecting your oral health. This is where dentures come in. Although they are not for everyone, dentures can help restore a beautiful smile and provide numerous other benefits to help improve your quality of life.

Let’s look at a few of the benefits of dentures so that you can make an informed decision about your oral health and appearance.

Confidence Boost 

It is not unusual to suffer a loss of confidence after losing most or all of your teeth. We all know how important it is to have a nice smile and how the appearance of one’s smile is one of the first things that people notice. Losing your teeth can even cause undesirable changes to your facial appearance when your facial muscles begin sagging, making you appear older externally than you feel internally. In turn, you may begin avoiding pleasurable social activities that you once enjoyed.

Fortunately, dentures can have you photo-ready by providing the appearance of normal teeth and a pleasant smile. In fact, your dentures may be even whiter and brighter than your teeth looked before you experienced tooth loss.

Enhanced Quality of Life

Regardless of if you are dealing with partial or full tooth loss, you definitely understand that everyday things like chewing and biting your food can be more difficult. It can be maddening, particularly since we take these types of activities for granted.

Dentures make it easier for you to take part in normal activities so that you can eat your favorite foods without discomfort. A little bit of practice should allow you to eventually chew tougher foods. Dentures also make it easier to speak and be heard clearly.


Even though your dentures will eventually need replacing, they can still last as long as 10 years if you care for them properly. Be sure that you always handle them correctly and brush them each day using a soft-bristled brush.

Take care to maintain proper oral care by cleaning your dentures each night using a denture-safe solution. With a little bit of information and care, your dentures should last you for years to come and maintain their white and bright appearance.

Schedule Your Consultation to Improve Your Oral Health

Before deciding upon dentures, it is important to consider all of your treatment options. For example, many people with missing teeth are now turning to dental implants, although they are not right, or possible, for everyone. 

Please contact us today to schedule a consultation where we can go over your treatment options with you so that you can make the best choice for yourself and your individual needs.

LANAP Dentist Near Me

When you hear the word “smile,” you probably think of healthy, attractive teeth that express your happiness and friendliness. Although your teeth are the stars of your smile, they cannot fulfill their leading role without the help of a supporting actor – your gums.

If you have recently entered the search term “LANAP dentist near me,” into Google. You have probably been having trouble with your gums and are looking for an appropriate treatment. Let’s take a look at both LANAP and LAPIP to give you an idea of what treatment may work best for you to restore the health of your gums.

LANAP stands for:

  • Laser
  • Assisted
  • New
  • Attachment
  • Procedure

LAPIP stands for:

  • Laser
  • Assisted
  • Peri-Implantitis
  • Procedure

Both of these treatments involve the use of safe medical lasers to help regenerate soft tissues in the mouth that have been affected by periodontal disease or peri-implant disease.

One of the key benefits to undergoing a LANAP or LAPIP procedure is that you will experience reduced downtime when compared to alternate treatments. This is because lasers provide an incredibly precise tool for your LANAP dentist near me or periodontist to remove only damaged or diseased tissue.

Periodontal Disease

Around half of all adult Americans are affected by some form of periodontal disease. Which involves the accumulation of plaque – a sticky substance that damages the teeth and gum tissue. If you fail to keep up with your proper oral hygiene routine at home, your gums can become inflamed and infected.

The early stage of periodontal disease is known as gingivitis – a reversible form of gum disease. Left untreated, gingivitis can eventually progress into a more severe form of gum disease called periodontitis, which could endanger your teeth.

Peri-Implant Disease

Peri-implant disease is similar to periodontal disease in many ways, but it involves a patient’s dental implants. Factors like poor oral hygiene, smoking tobacco, and diabetes are risk factors for this condition.

If peri-implant disease progresses too far, it can cause the underlying bone to deteriorate. Since this bone is needed to support an implant, its loss can lead to loss of the dental implant.

LANAP and LAPIP Procedures

During a LANAP or LAPIP procedure, your LANAP dentist near me or periodontist will offer you local anesthesia to ensure your comfort. They will guide the laser between your teeth and gums, or your dental implants. Lasers help with the removal of disease and infected tissue. It does so without removing, cutting, or damaging healthy surrounding gum tissue.

Since healthy tissue is not destroyed or damaged with a LANAP or LAPIP procedure, you can expect to resume your normal activities more quickly due to a shorter downtime.

For More Information

When’s the last time you visited the dentist? Contact a LANAP dentist near me at (781) 861-7645 or schedule a consultation online.

Lexington Dentists

Lexington Dentists | Lexington dentists provide a wide range of dental services and procedures, ranging from the elaborate to the simple. Here are a few of the more common types of general dental procedures, what they are used to treat, and how the procedures are performed.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Teeth can become stained due to things like:

  • Consumption of dark-colored beverages like coffee and tea
  • Tooth decay
  • Smoking tobacco
  • The use of certain medications

You can have your teeth whitened at home with custom-made trays, or have a whitening procedure while you sit in the Lexington dentists chair.

An in-office whitening treatment involves the application of a whitening gel that contains some type of peroxide. Although over-the-counter peroxide whitening treatments are available, their active ingredient is of a far lower concentration than what is available from your dentist.

A special light may be used to magnify the effects of a professional whitening treatment.

Unlike over-the-counter whitening treatments, you will have professional supervision throughout your procedure to ensure that it is safe and effective.

Root Canal Procedure

Root canal therapy is more common than many people realize. And it is not a painful treatment; in fact, it relieves pain caused by an inflamed or infected dental pulp.

After numbing your tooth, your Lexington dentists will drill down into it to clean out all decay. The resulting empty space is then filled, normally with a material known as gutta-percha. Finally, a dental crown would be placed over the treated tooth to add additional strength to it.

Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions are an extremely common type of general dental procedure that may become necessary if a patient has impacted or problematic wisdom teeth, a severe tooth abscess, or severe periodontal disease.

After numbing the tooth that the dentist will remove, the Lexington dentists will grasp it with forceps and rock it back and forth to loosen the ligament attaching it to your jawbone.

One exception to this normal procedure is if the patient has had their tooth break off beneath the gum line, leaving nothing for the forceps to grasp onto. This type of extraction would require a minor surgical procedure to remove the tooth.

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are about as basic a treatment as you can get. They become necessary whenever a tooth has tooth decay. Their purpose is to remove all tooth decay and prevent further infection or damage to the treated tooth.

Today’s dental fillings are available in tooth-colored materials that match the color of surrounding teeth.

In some cases, such as when a very large filling is required, a dental filling procedure is followed up with the placement of a dental crown.

Your Dental Procedure

Our Lexington dentists have the knowledge and experience to keep your oral health in tip top shape. Contact us (781) 861-7645 or schedule your consultation online.

Cosmetic Dental Clinic

Cosmetic Dental Clinic | If an infant is unable to properly feed, they may have a condition known as tongue-tie, which restricts the motion of the tongue. Such an infant cannot properly move their tongue to drink enough milk. As a result, they may be constantly hungry and losing weight if they are not treated promptly.

Many parents are unfamiliar with this condition, and as the child gets older, they can have problems chewing and speaking. Fortunately, a treatment with a CO2 laser from a cosmetic dental clinic can free the tongue and the problems that came with the condition.

The symptoms of tongue-tie may include the following:

  • Difficulty moving the tongue, especially from side to side
  • Infant appears to gasp for air while feeding
  • Child falls asleep rapidly when feeding
  • Infant uses their gums to latch
  • Gulping milk
  • Low weight
  • Cannot use a pacifier or prefers bottle to breast

In addition to difficulty with feeding, a child with tongue-tie can develop oral problems like tooth decay and gum disease. The tongue plays a role in helping keep teeth clean. Its correct position also makes it more likely that teeth develop properly without spaces or gaps.

What is tongue-tie?

Tongue-tie is a condition that develops in the womb due to an inherited gene mutation. The frenulum is a small tissue band extending from the mouth floor to the bottom of the tongue. A baby born with tongue-tie has a too-short or thick frenulum, which restricts the movement of the tongue.

Surgical Release

Many infants are held by a surgical tongue-tie release procedure; however, this type of surgery does not come without complications. Some potential complications following the procedure include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Tongue damage
  • Damage to salivary glands
  • Regrowth of tongue-tie if post-procedure steps are not followed properly

CO2 Laser vs. Other Laser Treatments

It comes down to burning versus vaporizing. In contrast to a diode laser that basically burns away soft tissue, a CO2 laser vaporizes this tissue. That leads to a much more gentle treatment that does not involve damage to tissues nearby or create heat. As a result, your child will experience less discomfort and heal more rapidly at your cosmetic dental clinic.

Another benefit of using a CO2 laser to treat tongue-tie at your cosmetic dental clinic is that risks and complications are reduced. The laser effectively seals the area, resulting in little to no bleeding.

As if that weren’t enough, a CO2 laser tongue-tie treatment greatly reduces the risk of infection because  as it’s working, it is also disinfecting the wound.

Schedule Your Consultation

Spare your child the unnecessary risks and discomfort that are involved with the expected bleeding and stitches/sutures necessary after a conventional tongue-tie release procedure. Contact your cosmetic dental clinic today at 781-861-7645  to book your convenient consultation as your first step in freeing your child from this medical condition.



Emergency Dental Care

Emergency Dental Care | Would you be able to tell if your pain and discomfort is normal, or is a serious problem that you should be worried about? Small problems can rapidly develop into a severe toothache that you won’t soon forget if it goes untreated.

Emergency dental help is available should you require urgent toothache relief.

Knowing when to seek emergency dental care first involves understanding what represents a true dental emergency.

Loose Tooth

It is never normal to have a loose tooth. By the time you reach adulthood, all of your teeth should be securely in place. If you have noticed that one or more of your teeth are beginning to grow loose, it could mean a number of things. One problem could be an injury to a tooth that is particularly painful. If this is the case, seek emergency dental care immediately. You want to do everything you can to ensure that your teeth remain strong and intact.

A loose tooth can also be caused by local infection. To determine what type of infection may be occurring, visit your dentist right away. A loose tooth combined with a toothache could mean that you are experiencing signs of an infection by dental caries or gum disease. Receiving prompt treatment can prevent the spread of the infection and save your tooth.

Bleeding, Aching Gums

This one could go either way. It could represent a true dental emergency, or it could be something that can wait until Monday to have it checked out.

The key point to look for is if you have recently undergone some type of trauma to your teeth, gums or mouth. If you notice bleeding soon after an accident, it is most likely due to the trauma that just occurred. This is a dental emergency that requires immediate care.

If you experience bleeding after brushing or flossing, it is likely due to over-vigorous cleaning efforts on your part. If it happens a lot, it could also be an indication of periodontal disease, popularly known as gum disease. If this is the case, it is a serious condition that requires looking into. However, it is probably not an immediate concern, but a chronic condition that will require a proper diagnosis and treatment. Make an appointment with your regular dentist at your convenience to have it checked out.

Metal Taste in Mouth

Have you ever had a dental filling? If you begin to notice a metal taste in your mouth, it could indicate that an old filling has cracked or is becoming loose. If you notice a missing or damaged filling, seek immediate dental care, as a missing filling can leave your tooth vulnerable to new infections and cavities.

Left untreated, a missing filling can result in a severe toothache that may eventually require you to undergo a root canal procedure. Contact your dentist right away and have them provide you with a new dental filling.

Schedule A Consultation

Above all, if you need immediate emergency dental care don’t delay, contact us at 781-861-7645 today! You could schedule your consultation for other dental services here.

Laser Tongue Tie

Laser Tongue Tie | Every parent’s greatest desire is that their child will be born perfect from head to toe. However, even the smallest imperfections can cause problems down the road. Tongue tie is a condition that can cause speech problems later on. It can lead to difficulties with a baby breast-feeding and swallowing properly.

Laser tongue tie is a procedure involving a form of surgery to help even the youngest of patients.

What is tongue tie?

If your baby cannot properly feed, they may have a condition known as ankyloglossia – more commonly known as tongue tie. Present at birth, this condition restricts tongue movements because the tissue attaching the bottom of the mouth to the tongue is not long enough.

Infants with tongue tie cannot properly move their tongue, so they are unable to drink an adequate amount of milk when feeding. This can lead to an infant remaining hungry and losing weight if early treatment is not performed.

A parent who is unfamiliar with this condition may start noticing that their child is having difficulty when they attempt to speak and feed. Oral hygiene concerns may become evident as the child grows older.

A similar condition is known as lip tie. It occurs when soft tissues behind the lip are attached tightly to the upper jaw, restricting lip movement. This can lead to feeding difficulties when left untreated.

Tongue Tie Symptoms

Ultimately, whether a child has tongue tie or not can be determined during an examination. However, some common symptoms include:

  • Falling asleep while nursing
  • Colic symptoms
  • Reflux symptoms
  • Slow weight gain
  • Long feedings


The frenectomy is the most commonly used treatment for tongue tie. Normally, a doctor would snip the “tie” using scissors to free the tongue. The procedure works quite often but may involve some minor bleeding. The use of a CO2 laser has now become the standard of treatment among many doctors.

Some benefits of using a CO2 laser to treat tongue tie include:

  • Enhanced surgical precision
  • Less discomfort and pain after the procedure
  • Reduced swelling and infection risk
  • Less wound contraction and scarring
  • You bleed less
  • Less time involved

Laser Tongue Tie Treatment

Furthermore, This procedure utilizes a safe CO2 laser for treating infants, adolescents or adults. A soft tissue laser is used to carefully free the tongue while also sterilizing the area, lowering the risks of infection and speeding recovery.

Procedure Aftercare

It can take a few weeks, or months, for a baby to become accustomed to using their tongue correctly after their procedure. The area just needs to heal and undergo therapy so that things are working correctly.

It is normal to experience some increased stimulation of salivary flow after laser tongue tie surgery.

Schedule Your Consultation

Learn more about our laser tongue tie treatment by scheduling a consultation today. You can contact us at (781) 861-7645.

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