922 Waltham St #202 Lexington, MA 02421

922 Waltham St #202 Lexington, MA 02421

922 Waltham St #202 Lexington, MA 02421

March 2021

Dentists in Lexington MA

Dentists in Lexington MA | Maintaining a healthy smile does not have to be difficult. In fact, it is quite simple for most people who do not have pre-existing dental conditions. The key is getting into a good rhythm and forming healthy habits. It’s all about a routine. Of course, dentists in Lexington MA are always available to treat any conditions that may develop, but most of the “heavy lifting” can be done by yourself at home. 

Creating a Healthy Habit

Your oral health routine at home is your first line of defense against tooth decay and gum disease. But it is incredibly easy to let things slide by skipping brushing and flossing when you know that you need to. If you have been slacking in this department lately, now is the time to reestablish healthy dental habits, as recommended by Dentists in Lexington MA.

  • Brush at least twice daily and floss at least once.
  • Avoid hard-bristled toothbrushes
  • Occasionally purchase a new toothbrush, particularly if it has frayed bristles.
  • Limit your intake of sugary beverages like sodas.

The Dangers of Plaque and Tartar

We’ve all heard the terms “plaque” and “tartar” for much of our lives, but what are they really? Whether you know it or not, your mouth is teeming with bacteria almost all of the time. Much of this bacteria is completely harmless. Other types can damage the teeth and gums.

Dentists in Lexington MA | When oral bacteria is left to its own devices, it eventually accumulates and forms a sticky substance called plaque. Over time, plaque hardens and develops into tartar. Plaque creates an environment that irritates and damages gums and bone. It can cause a condition called periodontal disease. In its early form, periodontal disease is called gingivitis, which is reversible. Later, gingivitis can progress into irreversible periodontitis that threatens teeth and gums.

Dental Exams and Cleanings

A dental exam and cleaning is a regular type of appointment that you should be keeping up with so that your dental team can remove any plaque or tartar found on your teeth to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

The first part of this appointment involves a visual inspection of your mouth, teeth and gums. This allows your dental hygienist to spot any trouble signs that may require further investigation.

The next part of your appointment involves cleaning and polishing your teeth. This is when plaque and tartar is removed to protect you from tooth decay and gum disease. As long as you are keeping up with your dental routine at home, these regular appointments should enable you to keep your teeth and smile healthy and attractive.

Book Your Appointment with Dentists in Lexington MA

If you check your calendar and find that it has been a long time since your last dental exam and cleaning, dentists in Lexington MA are available to provide this incredibly important dental service. Reach out today to schedule your next appointment with Lexington Smile Studio.

Dental Offices Near Me

Like many fields, dentistry is made up of more than one sub-specialty. For example, there is cosmetic dentistry and general dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry is mostly concerned about the appearance of the teeth. General dentistry is more focused upon the actual health of the mouth, teeth and gums. But it is not always as cut and dried as it may seem, since both specialties sometimes overlap. If you are searching for dental offices near me, your needed dental treatment will fall into one of these two categories.

Common Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures:

  • Dental implants
  • Teeth whitening
  • Veneers

Dental Implants

Implants serve as a replacement tooth when one or more has been lost due to tooth decay, mouth trauma, gum disease or extraction.

Implants are placed over the course of a few appointments. During the first, you would have a metal post implanted within your jawbone. Once your jawbone has fused around this titanium metal post, an abutment will be fitted on top. Finally, a dental crown will be placed to cap the entire structure.

Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening can whiten your teeth several shades in the comfort of the dental office. Normally, a gel is applied to the teeth, which are isolated to prevent the material from coming into contact with the gums. A special light can be used to further intensify the whitening process.

Dental Veneers

Veneers are a thin shell that is attached to teeth to correct minor cosmetic complaints like:

  • Chips
  • Cracks
  • Gaps
  • Discoloration

There are two basic types of veneers: composite and porcelain. Composite requires one dental visit. 

Porcelain is a stronger material, but it is also more costly. In addition, they are durable and stain-resistant.

Common General Dentistry Procedures:

Dental Filling

If a tooth should develop tooth decay, a cavity may form. Your dentist will remove the decayed material by drilling down into the tooth and cleaning it out. They will then fill the resulting empty space with a pre-selected filling material to prevent further damage and decay to the tooth.

Dental Cleaning

A dental cleaning is a regular appointment in which your dental hygienist will use professional dental tools to clean both plaque and tartar from your teeth. 

Plaque is a sticky substance formed by oral bacteria that damages the teeth and surrounding structures. Left intact, plaque can lead to the development of periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease. Gum disease can progress into a severe form that causes the loss of teeth. For this reason, it is best to visit your dental offices near me. 

Your Appointment

Dental Offices Near Me | If you would like to request additional information about cosmetic or general dentistry procedures, contact your dentist office to schedule an appointment or consultation.

Moreover, remember to stay on track with your regular dental exams and cleanings. This helps prevent the accumulation of plaque and tartar that would otherwise cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Contact Lexington Smile Studio for a consultation today. New patients are welcome.

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